Under the XXII Congress of the Faculty of Industrial Technological University «BOOSTING BRILLIANT MINDS, deciphering enigmas SUCCESS», more than 25 students, visited the premises of the headquarters of Talleres Industriales S.A.
Future Engineers conducted a tour of the workshop and the different departments that make up the company, where he explained the importance of each in the repair of ships and the satisfaction of our customers. They could also see the machines used in the manufacture of parts and lathes. Thus we project the training of future professionals providing them with knowledge about the tools and technologies used within the national and international industry.
On this tour, they witnessed a video of the company and the pep talk «The Secret of Success: Education», by the Engineer Rafael Arosemena. Meanwhile Engineers Melgar and Santos Lino Arosemena spoke about the processes that develop alongside repairs and experience with our employees working offshore.
Technological University of Panama, meanwhile, awarded a certificate of recognition to Talleres Industriales S.A., for his contribution to education in the province of Colon and Panama.