
Talleres Industriales s.a., participated in the youth fair «challenge challenge: future in the present»

As part of the activities carried out by the student support program «Padrino Empresario», a meeting was held in which more than 50 Colonenses students, beneficiaries of this program, participated.

This day was part of their annual meeting. Talleres Industriales was represented through its Human Resources department, which provides follow-up to the students who are trained in our company.

Talleres Industriales S.A., has more than 20 years forming part of this group of entrepreneurs who believe in the talent and improvement of our childhood and youth.

The Employer Sponsor Program is a prevention alternative aimed at adolescents exposed to social risk situations, of both sexes, whose ages range from 15 to 17 years of age, to minimize the vulnerability to the economic and psychosocial problems of their environment and family nucleus, so that they can continue their studies and therefore improve their quality of life.

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