With the presentation: The future of the shipyards in Panama, Talleres Industriales S.A. through its CEO Lino Arosemena, participated in the Annual Maritime Conference of Panama. Where we share our experiences during these 48 years, in front of repairs afloat in Panama and Latin America.
This exhibition covered 4 major themes that frame the future of the ship repair industry: Human Talent, focused on empathy, training and motivation to creativity. Technology, on the other hand, reinforces the creation of robotic devices for all types of aerial, submarine and motor inspections; Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Environment and Augmented Reality.
Our presentation emphasized the theme of the Environment, reaffirming the responsibility that all beings have humans in care of our planet. We also learned more about the Exponential Leadership, which it allows us to be Humanitarian leaders, bet on our people, invest in technology, adapt to the future and be whole.
In this event, our company installed a stand in conjunction with the Canal Barges & Cranes Affiliated Company in the which the Clients and guests belonging to the Maritime area, could know more about the repair services naval we offer and all the specifications of our barges for rent.